The Commentariat -- June 2
I've posted an Open Thread for today's Off Times Square, and added my comment to Linda Greenhouse's post, linked below. Update: Marvin Schwalb has added a not-to-be-missed comment on New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie. ...
... Linda Greenhouse has quite an interesting column about the background of Brown v. Plata, the California prison overcrowding case that the Supremes just decided in favor of the defendants in a 5-4 split, with Justice Anthony Kennedy writing the majority opinion. You can read the opinion & dissents here (pdf). ...
NEW. New York Times Editors: "No matter how they tried to spin it, 318 House members actually voted against paying the country’s bills and keeping the promise made to federal bondholders.... The games that now pass for governing in an increasingly embarrassing 112th Congress are menacing the nation’s future.... What Republicans seem unwilling to acknowledge is that the debt-limit debate is not about future spending. It is about paying for a deficit already incurred because of two wars and tax cuts approved by both Republicans and Democrats at the behest of a Republican president." ...
... Karen Garcia commented on the editorial & received 100 or more reader recommendations. Then, in their wisdom, the Times moderators removed her comment. You can read the "disappeared" comment on Garcia's website Sardonicky. ...
... Update: I've added a comment on today's Off Times Square on the Times' removal of Garcia's comment. I think my OTS comment is sort of funny, but then I've never stopped being somewhat sophomoric. Okay, 8th-graderish.
With all the noise about the Ryan/Republican Tea Party's budget's "ending Medicare as we know it," you wouldn't think this next story would be news. But it is. People concerned about Medicare are a huge voting bloc; those who receive Medicaid, not so much. So -- the story -- Sam Baker of The Hill: "Cuts to Medicaid are no more palatable than cuts to Medicare, Sen. Robert Menendez (D-N.J.) told reporters Wednesday. Medicaid advocates and some congressional Democrats are worried that Medicaid could become a more ripe target for funding cuts amid the political firestorm over proposed changes to Medicare. But House Republicans’ proposal to convert federal Medicaid funding into block grants for the states 'is not, in my mind, a plan that will find currency in our caucus,' Menendez said." CW: That's good news. ...
Dr. Aaron Carroll, writing in the Washington Post graphically dispels the Republican meme that tort reform will substantially reduce medical costs. He provides some pretty impressive proofs. ...
... Evan McMorris-Santoro of TPM: "Among conservatives, 54% are opposed [to the Ryan/Republican Tea Party Medicare plan]. Among current seniors -- who would not be affected by the changes in the Ryan Medicare plan -- a full 74% are opposed, even after they're told that Ryan's plan affects Americans 55 years of age and younger. Even Republicans break against Ryan's plan, though only slightly. Fifty percent oppose the plan, while 48% support it." ...
... I'm the death-panel-supporting, socialist, may-not-have-been-born-here President. -- Barack Obama, to House Republicans when they complained about Democrats' "Mediscare demagoguery" ...
Here's Poor Pitiful Paul Ryan, whining after the House Republicans' meeting with President Obama. AFP photo.Kate Pickert of Time: "In a closed door meeting between Obama and Republican House members on Wednesday, GOP Whip Eric Cantor 'pressed' the president to "stop the demagoguery," according to Politico. A GOP aide familiar with the discussion said Ryan himself accused Obama of adopting a Medicare strategy solely focused on being re-elected in 2012." Pickert is not impressed with Republicans' Mediscare charges. ...
... Here's the Politico report by Glenn Thrush & Abby Phillip.
Another Sorry-Assed Victim of Bush Fatigue? Matt Bai of the New York Times: "What the country would probably see [in Rick Perry] is another Texas governor with the same Texan talk and Texan swagger, someone who once schemed with Karl Rove and who, as a social conservative, is so reliably dogmatic that he signed a bill that made it explicitly illegal for the state to confiscate your gun in the event of martial law or some kind of federal takeover, or maybe if the British decided to invade again."
Christie Gives New Jersey the Bird. Richard Perez-Pena of the New York Times: New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie, a Republican, "took a State Police helicopter to see his son play high school baseball on Tuesday. And whether that is important or trivial, it surely did not help the image of a conservative Republican who has won national notice for preaching belt-tightening and berating those who resist.... Throughout Wednesday, Blogrunner, the Web site that tracks online commentary, rated the helicopter story ... as one of the five most influential in the blogosphere." CW: sorry; as long as this story has legs, I'll keep running it. I find it much more interesting than Weiner's wiener, tho Weiner is doing his best to give his story legs by refusing to detail the facts (see Infotainment for the now-foot-long Weiner story). ...
... Here's the original Star-Ledger story, which I have not linked before. Not only did Christie use a helicopter purchased for Homeland Security & patient transfer purposes, he had a car waiting to drive him 100 yards from the bird to the field. Then he left half-way through his son's big game to go meet with Iowans who want him to run for President. ...
... The Blue Texan of Firedoglake: "So Christie, who nixed a rail project that would’ve created 6,000 jobs and declared war on New Jersey’s teachers because he claimed the state was broke — blew through nearly $3 grand of the taxpayers’ money to watch half a high school baseball game." ...
... AND, Lord Christie has a history of spending lavishly at public expense. The U.S. Justice Department's Inspector General was not amused. Via Steve Benen.
I got a note from blogger Carolyn Jackson today, which reminded me to take a look at her blog. Her most recent post is a Memorial Day reflection, but it is good for any day. Jackson doesn't post often, but everything she writes is worth the wait.
Peter Hamby of CNN has a Palin story that actually has a little substance: Sarah Palin met with Fox "News" officials for more than an hour yesterday. If Palin is seriously contemplating a run for president, Fox would likely suspend or cancel her contract as it did with Newt Gingrich's & Rick Santorum's contracts.
News Ledes
President Obama met with the House Democratic caucus this afternoon. Politico Update: "House Democrats pressed President Barack Obama on Thursday to keep his word and stand firm on Medicare as negotiations with Republicans over raising the debt ceiling heat up."
Los Angeles Times: "As Mitt Romney formally announced his presidential bid Thursday, two larger-than-life political personalities [Sarah Palin & Rudy Giuliani] crashed into New Hampshire, stealing the nominal frontrunner's thunder and underscoring that the GOP field is far from settled." ...
... L.A. Times: "The White House and President Obama's reelection campaign have long been treating Mitt Romney as the Republican frontrunner in 2012. And as the former Massachusetts governor was kicking off his campaign in New Hampshire, press secretary Jay Carney was ready with a response to his charge that the president had 'failed America' and prolonged the recession. His answer ... alternately pointed the finger at the Bush administration for driving the nation into recession and defended steps Obama took to reverse it." Story includes text of Carney's full response.
ABC News: "House Speaker John Boehner, R-Ohio, is throwing what one Republican calls 'a legal and political hot potato at the President.' In a resolution to be voted on in the House tomorrow, Boehner is giving the president two weeks – until the Pentagon Appropriations bill comes up – to either: a) Ask for authorization for the military intervention in Libya, or b) Figure out how to disengage the US from the NATO operation in Libya.
Politico: "Criminal charges are expected to be filed Friday against two-time Democratic presidential candidate John Edwards, the result of an investigation into campaign cash allegedly funneled to the woman he had an out-of-wedlock child with."
Boston Globe: "Tornadoes tore through Western and Central Massachusetts yesterday, killing at least four people, injuring an untold number, and reducing schools, churches, and homes to splinters along its destructive path. Governor Deval Patrick declared a state of emergency throughout Massachusetts and ordered up to 1,000 troops from the National Guard to help with rescue efforts. He said at least 19 communities had reported damage and he asked officials in those towns and cities to close schools and keep nonemergency personnel home today to allow work crews to clear streets."
Al Jazeera: "Fighting has continued in Sanaa, the Yemeni capital, between forces loyal to the president and those allied to an opposition tribal group." AND, an earlier report from Al Jazeera: "At least 41 people have been killed overnight in ongoing street fighting between government forces and opposition tribal fighters in Yemen's capital." Both reports include video. Also, Al Jazeera is running a liveblog here.
** AP: "The Health and Human Services Department rejected changes in Indiana's Medicaid plan Wednesday, saying it illegally bans funding for Planned Parenthood, and sought to make clear that a similar fate awaits other states that pass legislation barring any qualified health care provider. State officials signaled they would not accept HHS' decision. In a letter sent to Indiana's Medicaid director, Medicaid Administrator Donald M. Berwick said Indiana's plan will improperly bar beneficiaries from receiving services. Federal law requires Medicaid beneficiaries to be able to obtain services from any qualified provider." CW: another reason to love Dr. Berwick. His is serving under a recess appointment because Republican Senators have blocked his confirmation.
New York Times: "Google said Wednesday that hundreds of users of Gmail, its e-mail service, had been the targets of clandestine attacks apparently originating in China that were aimed at stealing their passwords and monitoring their e-mail. In a blog post, the company said the victims included senior government officials in the United States, Chinese political activists, officials in several Asian countries, military personnel and journalists."