Bush III
My friend Sharon B. wrote me an e-mail not intended for publication, but I found her remarks so insightful & well-written I thought I'd share them anyway. -- Constant Weader
I’m proud that Democrats and Republicans joined forces in December to cut taxes for every American. -- Barack Obama, at a fundraiser in Miami less than two weeks ago
Hold the phone! I thought Obama fought and fought like SO HARD to let those nasty tax cuts for the Koch Bros. et al., lapse, but he just couldn't quite muster the support (having been shellacked and all) so, totally exhausted by the battle WITH THE FUCKING REPUBLICANS (excuse me for raising my voice) he settled for extended unemployment payments which, of course, the R's would have blocked. (Like, not really, considering unemployment hit their constituents as well . . .).
Last night you suggested we might have Bush III* in the Oval Office. It appears you are correct as our Fearful Leader ... has completely morphed into another Son of Barbs & Poppy.
From Michael Shear of the New York Times, an observation which Sharon also highlighted in her e-mail:
But already, [Obama's] campaign operatives are beginning to travel the country, hat-in-hand, looking for donations from wealthy supporters. And his finance operation will soon be asking for donations from the millions of less-wealthy supporters who contributed a few dollars in 2008.
* I think Sharon is referring here to my comment to David Brooks' column, which I submitted last night. You can read my comment here (#5). Indulge in some of the others comments on the page, too. Many are excellent. Like these:
We have politicians running our country today who do not stand for anything--other than their own ambitions. -- Kate Madison
Older voters are starting to realize that “entitlement reform” means taking the benefits they worked a lifetime to achieve and giving the money to billionaires who helped wreck the economy. A backlash may be brewing that Republicans, mired in their single-minded thrall to corporate interests, will not see coming. -- Gemli
The idealism of his campaign and the near-reactionary conservatism of his presidency have served only to cancel each other out and to create a vacuum of epic proportions. -- Karen Garcia
I wouldn't bother reading Brooks. -- CW