Frank Rich: The National Portrait Gallery has mounted an installation of same-sex themes in American portraiture. Included in the exhibit is a four-minute excerpt of a film by David Wojnarowicz titled "Fire in My Belly." Within the excerpt is an 11-second scene in which a "crucifix is besieged by ants that evoke frantic souls scurrying in panic as a seemingly impassive God looked on.... “Fire in My Belly” was removed from the exhibit ... some 10 days ago with the full approval, if not instigation, of ... the Smithsonian" because of a right-wing campaign against it, ginned up by, among others, "William Donohue, of the so-called Catholic League.... [Soon-to-be House Majority Leader] Eric Cantor called for the entire exhibit to be shut down and threatened to maim the Smithsonian’s taxpayer funding come January."
Here's video of the excerpt (I had to testify to Google that I was at least 18 years old to access it):
My comment:
The Smithsonian’s cowardice, I suspect, is its management's way of welcoming the new Congress & its official policy of medieval bigotry. Why is Defense Secretary Bob Gates so anxious to have DADT repealed within the week? Because the new Republican Congress will not repeal it. In the Senate, every Republican Senator but one voted against repeal last week, even though the public favors repeal, the majority of the military is cool with it (not that that matters), the top civilian and military leaders favor it, the courts will impose it, and basic human decency demands it. So the Smithsonian is falling into line with the political gang who are ready to take over Washington.
The Smithsonian management’s response to "the public" is not as dumb as you think. Its masters, after all, are the Congress, as Eric Cantor reminded them and us. Among the brilliant ideas of the Catfood Commission was this little-noticed one: charge entrance fees to the national museums. This of course would make the museums off-limits to many Americans who visit Washington, and other visitors would have to pick and choose carefully, skipping those museums they didn't consider must-sees. This is such a Republican idea: keep the riffraff out! Only the moneyed class will be allowed entree to the nation’s treasures.
Oh, and another thing – forget about women. Even though it is privately-funded, conservative legislators think a National Women's History Museum is superfluous. Right-wing Sens. Tom Coburn & Jim DeMint claim there are already enough museums about women -- like "the Quilters Hall of Fame in Indiana, the National Cowgirl Museum and Hall of Fame in Texas and the Hulda Klager Lilac Gardens in Washington." [Gail Collins, NYT, September 24] Really, girls, you've already got lilacs by the outhouse door!
So the Smithsonian poobahs bow first to anti-gay bias, and while they're at it, to fundamentalist Christian prejudices. Will we see an installation of anti-Semitic art next? Maybe a panoply of depictions of the devil looking ever-so-Jewish would fit the bill. How about a nice display of Confederate memorabilia to celebrate secession? Copies of some of the slave states' articles of secession would be great along with some tattered Stars & Bars and awesome portraits of Jeff Davis & Robert E. Lee. And by all means, let's have a paean to anti-feminist heroes. An audio-tour narrated by Sens. DeMint & Coburn would be a perfect accompaniment.
Our national museums are not repositories of cutting-edge art. Instead, they are reflections of who we are as a nation. And when our nation is operating under the thumb of right-wing prejudices, we are a nation of which real patriots must be ashamed.
... Washington Post Update: "The Andy Warhol Foundation for the Visual Arts, one of the principal sponsors of 'Hide/Seek: Difference and Desire in American Portraiture,' demanded Monday that the Smithsonian restore the David Wojnarowicz video or the foundation would not fund future projects.... The Warhol Foundation is the first major funder to publicly voice outrage" over the Smithsonian's removal of "the Wojnarowicz work, 'A Fire in My Belly,' [which] contains 11 seconds of an image of ants crawling on a crucifix."