Happy Thanksgiving!
With a little aluminum-foil ingenuity, Thanksgiving can be just another day at the beach.... An easy way to surprise your Thanksgiving dinner guests: (1) Cut out aluminum foil in desired swimsuit-inspired shapes. (2) Arrange the turkey in the roasting pan and position the foil carefully. (3) Roast according to your own recipe and serve.
... AND, while you're stuffing that bird, why not listen to some soothing Thanksgiving music like this old favorite from Adam Sandler:
Sadly, NBC has cut the opening of this best Thanksgiving musical effort ever, but here's the monologue that follows (The still shot isn't loading, but the video is fine):
... So you'll just have to imagine Simon is wearing his turkey costume here:
Loudon Wainwright III may remind you of some of your own family Thanksgivings:
While the turkey is roasting, you may want to enjoy some Thanksgiving Day TV, or in this case, radio:
AND take two minutes to read Roger Angell's tale of Thanksgiving moose.
BUT, Don't Miss the News:
Two Ways to Pardon a Turkey. There's President Barack Obama's careful, deliberative way:
... And Half-Gov Sarah Palin's way. Caution: unpardonable turkeys are slaughtered as she speaks: