Mass Media Meet a Mass Murderer
(And Are Totally Flummoxed, According to Our Mr. Brooks)
David Brooks opines on Jared Loughner's mental state & faults the media, including the New York Times, for blaming the tea party and Sarah Palin for the Tucson shooting rampage. The Times moderators have scrambled the comments again, so here's mine, which for once has some nuance:
Mr. Brooks, you have set yourself up as an expert in psychology or psychiatry. Not only are you able to diagnose Jared Loughner from afar, you imply you know a lot more than the rest of the media about psychology: you write, "We have a news media that is psychologically ill informed." Except for you, I guess. Okay, I'm going to buy your set-up argument.
I have no idea what Mr. Loughner's political views might be. A classmate cited by the Times saying Loughner was "a liberal." Others have linked him with tea party-type politics. For a while there was an attempt to associate him with a radical anti-Semitic group. To confound all the political-motivation theories, the Washington Post reports that Loughner was a registered independent who didn't vote in 2010.
We do know this. Loughner thought Gabrielle Giffords was "stupid" and "a fake" because she didn't properly answer a question of his in 2007. And among the evidence found by law enforcement officers was an envelope from her office on which he wrote the words "My assassination."
But we know something more important, something larger than a young man in Tucson. George Packer of the New Yorker put his finger on it: "... for the past two years, many conservative leaders, activists, and media figures have made a habit of trying to delegitimize their political opponents. Not just arguing against their opponents, but doing everything possible to turn them into enemies of the country."
There's a second element which I would add, one well-illustrated by Dick Armey when he went on the teevee Sunday supposedly to calm the waters. But he didn't do that. He stirred things up. Armey said during an ABC New roundtable that tea partiers must "continue to do their duty and defend our liberties." Defend our liberties? That is a loaded phrase that the is standard tea party code. "THEY" are going to take your "liberties" away. "THEY" are going to enslave you. "WE" must "defend" ourselves against this peril.
Here is where pop psychology and politics collide. Mainstream politicians tell the gullible & impressionable that the government is illegitimate and that this illegitimate government is going to take away their natural and Constitutional freedoms. (That's why the Republicans read an expurgated version of the Constitution on the House floor -- to establish THEIR legitimacy as defenders of the Constitution against -- the OTHERS.) You really don't need to be an unbalanced individual to be worried about that frightening scenario.
So whatever combination of psychological aberrations motivated Jared Loughner to murder and maim 20 innocent people, he did so, I would guess, at least partly because he lives -- as to the rest of us -- in a culture where a crackpot theory about THEM has achieved mainstream legitimacy. So he targeted one of THEM, one who had "failed" to understand him and therefore provided "proof" that the government was illegitimate.
As long as there are people like you, Mr. Brooks, who aid and abet, and therefore legitimize, the crackpot theory of an illegitimate government that seeks to deprive Americans of their natural rights, the nation's psychological landscape is not going to improve.