Reality Chex & the NYT Paywall
Sunday I linked to a New York Times op-ed on the unknown evidence of life in other solar systems that is about to become known (See Infotainment). In the tiny universe of the Constant Weader, the unknown that is about to become known in the initiation of the New York Times online paywall.
The paywall went up Monday, March 28. Nonsubscribers are allowed 20 "free" hits per four-week period (or month -- not sure which) on Times content, after which they will be locked out; i.e., invited to subscribe. Here's a letter from publisher A. O. Sulzberger "explaining" the Times firewall policy. There's more information here in an FAQ format.
Supposedly, you will be able to link through to any page I link even after you've reached your 20-page "free" limit. I'll believe that when I see it.* My experience with the Times programmers leads me to suspect there will be many, many glitches.
So if you are a non-Times subscriber, after you reach your 20-hit limit, please e-mail me via this link to let me know what your experience is when you try to link through. I intend to keep linking to Times articles, but I will adjust how much and what I link depending upon your experiences. If the links appear to be working for you, I'll probably increase the number of Times articles I link. If they don't, I'll look for other sources, at least on news content. I thank you.
-- The Constant Weader
* A few readers who have used up their 20 hits have told me this is working for them. I remain pessimistic.
Update: Karen Garcia sent me a link to this video of A. O. Sulzberger & NYT CEO Janet Robinson discussing the Times paywall system at a Media Council forum. Garcia suggests you watch starting about 20 minutes in. Are you one of those low-brow people who don't value the New York Times? Are you a creepy high school geek or an out-of-work slacker? Well, Mr. Sulzberger thinks you're pretty much like a punk who steals the dead-tree edition from a newsstand on Sixth Avenue. Here's the money quote:
Can people go around the [paywall] system? The answer is yes. There are gonna be ways, just as you run down Sixth Avenue and you pass a newsstand and you grab the paper and you keep running. You can actually get the Times for free.... So, yes, there are ways. We have to accept that.... Is it going to be done by the kind of people who value the quality news & opinion of the New York Times and analysis? No, we don't think so. We don't think so. It'll be mostly high schools kids & people out of work. -- A. O. Sulzberger
Kinda makes you wanna jump that paywall, doesn't it?