State of the Union -- Prognostications Part 2
Perry Bacon, Jr., of the Washington Post has yet another preview of the content of the State of the Union address.
Lori Montgomery of the Washington Post: "President Obama has decided not to endorse his deficit commission's recommendation to raise the retirement age, and otherwise reduce Social Security benefits, in Tuesday's State of the Union address, cheering liberals and drawing a stark line between the White House and key Republicans in Congress."
Sheryl Gay Stolberg of the New York Times: "In a series of carefully choreographed appearances on Sunday morning talk shows here, Republicans sought to draw the battle lines for the Tuesday night speech over government spending. With Mr. Obama planning to call for 'investments' of tax dollars in specific areas like education, infrastructure and technology, Republicans insisted that 'investment' was just another name for spending that the nation can ill afford." ...
... Shailagh Murray & Lori Montgomery of the Washington Post draw the same conclusion Stolberg does: "The debate that will define this year and likely set the terms for the 2012 elections began in earnest over the weekend, with President Obama and Republican leaders presenting competing visions to reduce the deficit and grow the economy. Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) said Sunday that Republicans would do everything in their power to stop the new spending increases that Obama said were necessary in a video preview of his State of the Union address...."
The Rebuttal(s)
Garance Franke-Ruta & Chris Good of The Atlantic look at what could/will go wrong when Republican Rep. Paul Ryan delivers his rebuttal to the State of the Union address.
Star-Ledger: New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie said no.
And, although I've purposely avoided even mentioning it, what kinda fun do you think we'll have with Michele Bachmann's rebuttal to the rebuttal, or whatever the hell she bills her little tea party pout. ...
... Robert Schlesinger of U.S. News on the impending Bachmann fiasco (for the Republican party!). ...
... Dave Weigel, in Slate, says the Bachmann rebuttal is no big deal. Why, one person who gave an alternate SOTU rebuttal was none other than Sen. Barack Obama. With video! Oh, and here's another one Weigel mentions but has the good grace not to embed on his post. Eh, so I'm graceless (you will not be able to watch the whole thing, but just listening to the first little bit gives you a chance to recall what a phony that guy is):
Frank James of NPR addresses both rebuttals, with a little help from other bloggers.
Seating Arrangements, Con'd.
Polson Kannath of ABC News: "Daniel Hernandez Jr., one of the heroes of the mass shooting in Tucson, Ariz., two weeks ago, tells ABC News that he will be sitting, along with his father, Daniel Hernandez Sr., with Michelle Obama at the State of the Union on Tuesday...." ...
... Washington Post Update: "The White House released Monday the guest list for the first lady's box at Tuesday's State of the Union address."
... The Washington Post has a photohistory slideshow of State of the Union guests.
Cynthia Tucker of the Atlanta Journal-Constitution: "... there will always be at least one bonehead who will see something nefarious in a simple, if superficial, gesture designed to generate goodwill. In this case, the bonehead belongs to Georgia. U.S. Rep. Paul Broun (R-Ga.), one of the most rightwing and conspiracy-addled members of Congress, called on Republicans to reject the idea of sitting next to a Democrat...."
Karen Garcia thinks the to-do among members of the House & Senate over getting "dates" for the SOTU prom is pretty funny. Garcia refers to this New York Times article which we linked earlier.
Eric Kleefeld of TPM agrees with Garcia: "The biggest question headed into tomorrow's State of the Union address doesn't seem to be what President Obama will say..... No, the big question is -- which Democrat is sitting with which Republican?" He includes a funny exchange in which Kent Conrad (D-ND) asks Kay Bailey Huchison (R-Texas) to the SOTU prom -- on national TV! -- and she turns him down. Plus, Garcia's instinct on Joe Lieberman was right -- here's Christiane Amanpour asking Lonesome Joe about his SOTU plans:
LIEBERMAN: You know, when I was in high school, I always waited too long before the prom to ask for a date, so I haven't done that yet, but...
AMANPOUR: You've got two days. Tell us now.
LIEBERMAN: I'm going to be on the phone today.
Lee Ross of Fox "News": "Just one day before President Obama’s State of the Union address, it’s still not clear whether Chief Justice John Roberts will attend or, like ...Justice Samuel Alito, skip the event. The recent uptick in collegiality from lawmakers on Capitol Hill in the run-up to Tuesday’s speech contrasts sharply with the lingering controversy from last year’s speech in which President Obama rebuked the justices over a campaign finance decision." ...
... ** Dahlia Lithwick has a terrific commentary in Slate on the chilling impression that will be left if all of the conservative Supremes fail to show up for the SOTU & only the moderate attend. It doesn't help, either, that Justice Scalia is "teaching the Constitution" at a closed-door event for conservative House members.