The Commentariat -- December 25
Virginia O'Hanlon, 1890s. New York Times photo.Manny Fernandez of the New York Times: the descendants of Virginia O'Hanlon, who wrote to the New York Sun in 1897, asking if there was a Santa Claus, "have quietly become ambassadors of the Christmas spirit, crossing the country to appear at events honoring her, and reading the letter and the response to children in schools and to their own children at home." Here's O'Hanlon's letter, and the famous response, printed in the Sun, and later attributed to newsman Francis P. Church.
One of the New Yorker's most popular articles of the year was "What Did Jesus Do?" by Adam Gopnik. I linked to this story earlier, & my recollection is that Gopnik gets it mostly right in this review of recent literature. If you want the title question answered, however, you will be disappointed.
Perry Bacon of the Washington Post: "... while the president will be working while he is on vacation, it's not a 'working vacation.' Administration aides emphasized that the president wanted real down time after an intense two-month period after Election Day, and Obama started his 11-day trip with several hours of golf Thursday. He spent much of Friday afternoon at the beach with his daughters, Sasha and Malia."
Sheryl Gay Stolberg of the New York Times: "Gov. Neil Abercrombie of Hawaii, who befriended to release additional proof that the president was born in Honolulu in 1961."
’s parents when they were university students here, has been in office for less than three weeks. But he is so incensed over 'birthers' — the conspiracy theorists who assert that Mr. Obama was born in Kenya and was thus not eligible to become president — that he is seeking ways to change state policy to allow himA Realistic Christmas Story. Alison Leigh Cowan of the New York Times: "... for patients in state-run mental hospitals [in New York] — people too ill to live on their own and too poor to pay for their care — the state can drain court-awarded damages, effectively deducting the cost of their stays in the very hospitals that failed or abused them."