The Commentariat -- December 27
** David Savage of the Los Angeles Times: Supreme Court Justices Sotomayor & Kagan have shifted the debate during oral arguments to the left. ...
... Joan Biskupic of USA Today: Justice Sonia Sotomayor has become something of an advocate for prisoners, often protesting the Supreme Court's decisions not to hear prisoners' appeals. ...
... Update: Adam Liptak of the New York Times elaborates.
... Andrew Cohen, in The Atlantic, lists the year's top 10 must-reads in the law. I've linked to a number of them in the past; some I haven't read. With links. Cohen links to the text of David Souter's Harvard Commencement speech. Video of the speech is here.
** Jacob Weisberg of Slate: "... if [President] Obama has declared war on inequality, inequality seems to be winning." Weisberg lists the following major fails: (1) the tax-cut deal he made with Republicans; (2) outsized Wall Street & CEO compensation; (3) no increase in working-class wages; (4) more Americans without health insurance; (5) no improvement in education; (6) expansion of the estate tax deduction; 7 finally (7) there has been a real increase in income inequality. CW: Weisberg is wrong about one thing: he says, "income inequality never killed anybody." Yes, it does, according to statistical data gathered by Robert Wilkinson & Kate Pickett. ...
... Here's a pdf of Tim Noah's series on income inequality to which Weisberg refers. CW: I haven't read it yet, but I will. The abstract for Malcolm Gladwell's New Yorker piece, which Weisberg also mentions, is here; the article is subscriber-only. ...
... Paul Krugman notes rising prices in the commodities market and attributes them to the fact that we're living in a finite world in which the U.S. is no longer the main player. ...
... James Surowiecki of the New Yorker states what should be -- but isn't -- the obvious: the rise in unemployment is the result of decreased demand. Surowiecki knocks down (as well as explains) the "structural" argument. He also says if we don't fix it, it will remain broke. ...
... The Editors of the New York Times again urge President Obama to stand up to Republicans, this time with regard to implementation of financial reform. "d expect Republicans to cut off financing for Dodd-Frank, adding that the law is a job killer. Could he be more wrong? Americans’ concern about financial reform is that it is too weak, not too strong. They are furious at the banks.... The Republicans’ intentions could not be clearer. What is unclear is the Democratic strategy — in Congress and the White House — for thwarting them."
Ashley Halsey of the Washington Post: "As the Obama administration works to harden domestic defenses against terrorism, some experts point to a potential vulnerability from thousands of flights that pass over the United States each week. Although the United States regulates overflights, the cargo aboard them is not screened to federal standards and passenger lists are not matched to names on the terrorist watch list maintained by the Transportation Security Administration."
Bill Carter & Brian Stelter of the New York Times compare Jon Stewart's advocacy for passage of the 9/11 responders bill with specific instances of reporting by Edward R. Murrow & Walter Cronkite.
Ben Smith & Byron Tau of Politico: Mississippi Gov. Haley Barbour is living the high life at the expense of the poorest state in the nation. Many of his expenditures, especially his use of a Cessna jet to attend private & political functions, are highly questionable. CW: I don't think presidential hopeful Haley is going to enjoy seeing his sleazy shenanigans repeated laid out in the national media.
Oops, I missed this one: Karl Rove accidentally predicts President Obama will be re-elected in 2012. Via Ben Smith.
Your Goverment Screwing Crooks AND You. William Rashbaum of the New York Times: "An arm of the United States Marshals Service undervalued what could amount to untold millions of dollars in assets forfeited by white-collar criminals — including some from the family of Bernard L. Madoff — and sold them for far less than they were worth, according to a lawsuit filed in federal court in Manhattan."
The Zombie Death Panel Brouhaha. Jay Solomon has a story in today's Wall Street Journal on the new Medicare guidelines that include end-of-life consultations, similar to the one by Robert Pear of the New York Times, to which we linked yesterday. Solomon includes a White House clarification/denial: "Reid Cherlin, a White House spokesman, said it was incorrect to suggest the policy of reimbursing end-of-life discussions was new. 'The only thing new here is a regulation allowing the discussions … to happen in the context of the new annual wellness visit created by the Affordable Care Act.'"