The Commentariat -- January 12
Dana Milbank details some incidences of the pervasive government-corporate revolving door, with former federal employees cashing in on corporate & jobs, and former members of Congress/now-lobbyists walking the halls of the Capitol Building & even doing business on the House floor, which violates House rules. CW: among those Milbank mentions is Republican Bob Livingston whom Milbank describes as "button-holding members" before getting kicked off the House floor. A friend & I were just discussing Livingston yesterday -- Livington's claim to fame: "During debate over the impeachment of Bill Clinton..., Livingston acknowledged that he had had an extramarital affair and resigned as Speaker-elect." (WikiPedia) ...
... John Bresnahan of Politico: "While former House Majority Leader Tom DeLay tries to avoid a three-year stint in Texas prison, the loyal aides who once worked for him have quietly created a powerful Republican network on and off Capitol Hill.... These DeLay alums are populating the upper reaches of Republican leadership jobs in the House and enjoying lucrative jobs lobbying and consulting."
Stephanie McCrummen of the Washington Post: a new, tea-party-backed majority on the Wake County (Raleigh), North Carolina school board has moved the school system away from its racially-integrated policy into one that promotes racial & economic segregation.
Nick Anderson of the Washington Post: "President Obama will mount a fresh attempt this year to rewrite the No Child Left Behind education law, a top administration official said this week, and key congressional Republicans said they are ready to deal."
Lee Fang of Think Progress: Rep. Peter King, the new chair of the House Homeland Security Committee, "has doubled down on his promise to launch a witch-hunt against Muslims." He has claimed again -- falsely -- "that American Muslims never cooperate to combat terrorism." With audio.