President Obama writes a New York Times op-ed urging the Sudanese to allow a peaceful vote & vote count on the Southern Sudan independence referendum.
Art by Barry Blitt for the New York Times.Frank Rich compares & contrasts President Obama with President Reagan, & pops a few myths about Reagan, like these: "The present-day radicals donning Reagan drag, led by Sarah Palin, seem not to know, as [Reagan biographer Lou] Cannon writes, that their hero lurched 'from excessive tax cuts to corrective tax increases disguised as tax reform' and 'submitted eight unbalanced budgets to Congress in succession.' Reagan made no promise whatsoever of a balanced budget in the document that codified Reaganomics.... The historian Gil Troy has calculated that spending on entitlement programs more than doubled on Reagan’s watch."
Shehrbano Taseer, a reporter with Newsweek Pakistan, writes of the murder of her father, Salmaan Taseer, Governor of Punjab province, Pakistan, in a New York Times op-ed.
American Aristocracy. Tamar Lewin of the New York Times: "A new study of admissions at 30 highly selective colleges found that legacy applicants get a big advantage over those with no family connections to the institution — but the benefit is far greater for those with a parent who earned an undergraduate degree at the college than for those with other family connections. According to the study, by Michael Hurwitz..., applicants to a parent’s alma mater had, on average, seven times the odds of admission of nonlegacy applicants. Those whose parents did graduate work there or who had a grandparent, sibling, uncle or aunt who attended the college were, by comparison, only twice as likely to be admitted."
Alex Pareene of Salon on Hypocrisy Patrol: "Robert Gates would like to cut about $78 billion from our bloated military budget over the next five years.... We spend more on defense than every other nation in the world put together.... But those Republicans who promise austerity have one small problem with Gates' plan: They refuse to cut a single dollar of military spending, even when our Republican defense secretary politely asks them to."
Tara McKelvey, in the Daily Beast, profiles Frank Ruggiero who is taking over as acting special representative to Afghanistan & Pakistan. Richard Holbrooke, who died last year, held the post previously.