The Commentariat -- November 26
Roger Cohen of the New York Times: "The unfettered growth of the Department of Homeland Security and the T.S.A. represent a greater long-term threat to the prosperity, character and wellbeing of the United States than a few madmen in the valleys of Waziristan or the voids of Yemen." ...
... You Will Be Smeared. Glenn Greenwald writes an "anatomy of a journalistic smear job" -- The Nation publishes a story questioning, without evidence, the independence of John Tyner, the private citizen whose "Don't Tough My Junk" video went viral.
Paul Krugman: "... Ireland is now in its third year of austerity, and confidence just keeps draining away. And you have to wonder what it will take for serious people to realize that punishing the populace for the bankers’ sins is worse than a crime; it’s a mistake."
In an exposé that will disgust you, Robert O'Harrow of the Washington Post "shows one way federal agencies, [in this case, the Army,] have increasingly avoided contracting competitions.... And it underscores how a small [Alaska native corporation] (ANC) subsidiaries run by nonnatives have benefitted from an unprecedented surge of outsourcing by the military at a time of war. Army officials acknowledged using [an ANC] firm to avoid competition, saying they did not have enough time or contracting workers to seek other bids."
Tony Karon of Time: "On Saturday Nov. 27, the United States and its allies will reach a grim milestone: they will have been in Afghanistan a day longer than the Soviet Union had been when it completed its 1989 withdrawal."
"Hack Thirty." Alex Pareene of Salon lists his "least favorite political commentators, newspaper columnists and constant cable news presences, ranked roughly (but only roughly) in order of awfulness and then described rudely. Criteria for inclusion included writing the same column every week for 30 years, warmongering, joyless repetition of conventional wisdom, and making bad puns." Click back to see the whole list. CW: my friends & are disappointed that Pareene placed David Brooks at #30; we thought he should have made the first page.
We think if he'd done less compromising in the last two years, there's a good chance we'd have had a jobs bill that would have created real jobs, and then we wouldn't even be worrying about having lost elections. -- Rep. Lynn Woolsey (D-Calif.), on President Obama
... Oops! Missed This One. Julie David of the AP: "Behind Democrats' decision to keep [Speaker] Pelosi as their leader after historic losses lies intense concern among liberals who dominate the party's ranks on Capitol Hill: They fear [President] Obama will go too far in accommodating the GOP in the new era of divided government, and they see Pelosi as a counterweight."
Amy Wilenz in a New York Times op-ed: Sunday's elections in Haiti "are unlikely to produce a president who can address the country’s multiple woes."
We gotta stand with our North Korean allies. -- Sarah Palin
... Huma Kahn of ABC News: "Palin's gaffe immediately caught fire on the blogosphere. Liberals jumped to show her response as evidence of Palin's lack of foreign policy expertise." ...
... Class Act. The Lede Is All You Need. Shira Toeplitz of Politico: "Sarah Palin took the media and even President Barack Obama to task Thursday in a Thanksgiving message posted online."
"There are hardly any decision points at all." Sorry, one last review of Dubya's Decision Points, this one by George Packer of The New Yorker: "Though Bush credits no collaborator, his memoirs read as if they were written by an admiring sidekick who is familiar with every story Bush ever told but never got to know the President well enough to convey his inner life. Very few of its four hundred and ninety-three pages are not self-serving.... The steady drip of these elisions and falsifications suggests a deeper necessity than the ordinary touch-ups of personal history."
Here's your presidential promo of the week. I like these for the behind-the-scenes clips. Watch for Vice President Biden's comment on the press: