The Commentariat -- October 18
"Do You Mind Being a Vulture?" Huffington Post video:
Michael Isikoff, now with NBC: "How can [the Obama Justice Department] credibly prosecute mid-level bureaucrats and junior military officers for leaking classified information to the press when so many high-level officials have dished far more sensitive secrets to [Bob] Woodward?" CW: I love Isikoff.
"Pride and Prejudice." Margaret Talbot in The New Yorker on the country's movement toward gay equality & the inevitable increasing violence against it. Toward the end, she touches on the right to privacy, & concludes with this brilliant nugget:
The unobserved life is so totally worth living.
Sen. Sherrod Brown in a New York Times op-ed: "Unless the administration takes punitive steps in response to China’s unfair trade practices, the American economy — and the American worker — will continue to suffer."
Edward Luce of the Financial Times: if Republicans take control of the House, Rep. Darrell Issa plans to investigate everything, including "whether the federal government should be involved at all in sponsoring home loans for the poor."
Jim Abrams of the Associated Press: "The public panned it. Republicans obstructed it. Many Democrats fled from it. Even so, the session of Congress now drawing to a close was the most productive in nearly half a century." ...
... Nicholas Lemann has a good, in-depth article in The New Yorker on Harry Reid & this year's Nevada Senatorial race.
A real policeman questions Tony Hopfinger, in handcuffs, as Joe Miller's "security" detail looks on. Anchorage Daily News photo.Anchorage Daily News reporter Richard Mauer taped Hopfinger after he was handcuffed & while Miller's security force continued to detain him. As you can see, Miller's guards attempted to manhandle Mauer & accused him of "trespassing":
Steve Benen comments on the handcuffing & detention of journalist Tony Hopfinger by guards working for Alaska's Republican Senate nominee Joe Miller. Benen wonders if this is the Tea Party's vision of American "freedom." CW: I think it is. Taking the law into your own hands takes law enforcement out of the hands of "the government" and reduces taxes "wasted" on police & the courts. See links to news stories under today's Ledes in the right column. ...
... Sen. Lisa Murkowski, who is waging a write-in candidacy against Miller & Democratic nominee Scott McAdams, issued a statement condemning Miller's actions.
This behavior is particularly disturbing, especially for someone who claims to be a ‘constitutional conservative.' Apparently Joe Miller has forgotten both the first and fourth amendments to the United States Constitution. -- Sen. Lisa Murkowski
... The "security goons" "scare" Andrew Sullivan. ...
... CNN Update: "Republican candidate for Senate in Alaska, Joe Miller, admitted he was disciplined for the misuse of local government computers but said it was not a factor in his eventual departure from his job as an attorney at the Fairbanks North Star Borough (an area of Alaska) in September 2009." CW: the article includes a video of John King's interview of Miller, but it currently (8:30 pm ET) isn't loading properly. ...
... Fox "News" Update: Miller tells Neil Cavuto that Hopfinger followed him into the restroom (with a camera?) TPM video:
... Anchorage Daily News: in an earlier statement, made before Miller told his "bathroom ambush" story, Hopfinger said he & Miller had coincidentally used the bathroom at the same time, but that he (Hopfinger) didn't ask Miller any questions then because he thought it inappropriate.
New York Times Editorial Board: Republican Senatorial candidates, with the single exception of Mark Kirk of Illinois, "are re-running the strategy of [climate change] denial perfected by Mr. Cheney a decade ago, repudiating years of peer-reviewed findings about global warming and creating an alternative reality in which climate change is a hoax or conspiracy."
None of Us Is Perfect, Christine. Matt Lauer, Chuck Todd & Donny Deutsch discuss this season's campaign ads: