The Commentariat -- October 30
The Washington Post has a whole page of stories & info about Jon Stewart & Stephen Colbert's Rally to Restore Sanity/Fear. ...
... Here's a post-event AP story. ...
... Sanity More Popular than Insanity. CBS News: "An estimated 215,000 people attended [the] rally..., according to a crowd estimate commissioned by CBS News." CBS commissioned the same company,, to estimate the crowd size at the Stewart-Colbert rally & a'at Glenn Beck's 'Restoring Honor' rally in August. That rally was estimated to have attracted 87,000 people." ...
... Canadian TV: "In an impassioned 15-minute speech, Stewart told a crowd estimated to number at least 250,000, that their presence has restored his sanity. 'We live now in hard times, not end times. And we can have animus and not be enemies,' [Jon] Stewart said. 'But unfortunately, one of our main tools in delineating the two broke. The country's 24-hour political pundit perpetual panic conflictinator did not cause our problems. But its existence makes solving them that much harder.' Stewart's speech was capped off with a short rendition of 'America the Beautiful' by Tony Bennett before the show's many entertainers sent the crowd home with The Staple Singers' "I'll Take You There," led by Mavis Staples." ...
... The New York Times' liveblog is pretty good. ...
... AND for some fair & balance coverage, here's Fox "News"' headline: "Stewart's Rally for 'Sanity' Draws Insane Crowd."
... Stewart's final remarks:
... C-SPAN has video of the entire three-hour-plus rally here. ...
... Christian Science Monitor: "Comedy Central has provided no details about the Jon Stewart/Stephen Colbert 'Rally to Restore Sanity and/or Fear.' But the park service permit lays out the schedule minute-by-minute." Performers include Jeff Tweedy & Mavis Staple, Sheryl Crow & the Roots. ...
... Mike Isaac of Forbes has an interesting story about how the rally was conceived & how the idea took hold -- on the Internet. ...
... James Burnett of Rolling Stone: according to scientific analysis! of Internets chatter, the Stewart-Colbert rally was already working prior to the event.
... In the New York Times, Tobin Harshaw reprises some of the print media's commentary on the rally. ...
... Alex Parker of US News: Democrats & progressives hope to capitalize on the rally. ...
... CBS News correspondent Wyatt Andrews sat down with Comedy Central's "The Daily Show" correspondent John Oliver the day before Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert's "Rally to Restore Sanity" on the National Mall. With video. ...
... It would be wrong to ignore the Fear side of this equation, so here is Stephen Colbert, bravely sitting down with five men who scare the crap out of him:
Dana Milbank: "The [Republican] party is sorely in need of grown-ups.... There are weak leaders who, frightened by the Tea Party radicals, have become unquestioning followers of a radical approach.... There are no authority figures to say 'no' to the angry, the rude and the violent. With a House leader determined not to compromise, and a Senate leader whose top national priority is the defeat of the president, things won't get any better after Tuesday."
Think the negative campaign ads this year are "the worst ever"?"Attack ads are as American as apple pie." Produced by ReasonTV:
Peter Wallsten of the Wall Street Journal: "Florida independent Senate candidate Charlie Crist personally lobbied Democratic candidate Kendrick Meek to exit the race this week, offering him a cross that had been a gift from his sister, Mr. Meek said Friday." And yes, the story gets weirder from there.
Talk about Voter Intimidation. Sabrina Tavernise of the New York Times: the owner of a McDonald’s restaurant in Canton, Ohio, inserted a political pamphlet, printed on McDonald's letterhead, into workers' pay envelopes "urging them to vote for the Republican candidates for governor, Senate and Congress, or possibly face financial repercussions.... A spokesman for McDonald’s USA, the parent company, said: 'It was an unfortunately lapse in judgment on [the franchise owner's] part...'" & did not represent McDonald's policy. The owner appears to have violated an "Ohio statute that prohibits political material from being attached to wage envelopes."
Washington Post: "Native-born Americans lost more than a million jobs while foreign-born workers gained hundreds of thousands of jobs as the country emerged from a painful recession, according to a new analysis of economic trends.... The report does not explain why foreign-born workers are doing so much better than native-born workers."
Doug J. at Balloon Juice: "Jonah Goldberg calls for Julian Assange’s murder.... If you don’t think that the right is serious about using violence to take power, you’re not paying attention." ...
... Alex Pareene's take (Salon): Jonah Goldberg wonders why real life can't be more like the movies. Jason Bourne should have killed Julian Assange by now.
Japan Redux. Martin Fackler & Steve Lohr of the New York Times: "... in the current political climate, with Republicans ... preaching fiscal austerity, the prospect of more federal stimulus spending seems remote, and it is unclear if monetary policy alone will be enough to restore healthy growth.... Partly as a result, some economists now predict that it could take years or even a decade for the American economy to regain the levels of employment and vigor achieved before the 2008 crisis. The growing political pressure for cuts in federal spending — along with plunging consumer confidence and companies that seem more intent on cutting costs and hoarding cash than investing in new growth — have led economists to talk of the United States’ entering a grim new era of austerity."
Robert Worth of the New York Times: Yemen has become a base for attacks on the U.S. & has been using an English-language Website & magazine to recruit Americans:
These are people with both access to explosives and knowledge of how the United States works. And in Yemen, you can walk into a local branch of FedEx and mail something to the U.S. You can’t do that in Somalia or in rural Afghanistan. -- Princeton Prof. Bernard Haykel
Air Cargo -- a Security Weak Spot. Mike Brunker of MSNBC: "U.S. authorities on Friday said they were tightening screening of air cargo in the wake of incidents in which packages from Yemen containing explosives triggered a worldwide security scare. But aviation insiders say that even with the additional measures, only a small percentage of the air freight originating overseas is likely to be examined before it arrives at U.S airports." Related AP story here.
Andrew Pollack of the New York Times: "Reversing a longstanding policy, the federal government said on Friday that human and other genes should not be eligible for patents. The new position could have a huge impact on medicine and on the biotechnology industry."