What Happens when a Whole State Turns into
Right Wing World
Steven Elbow of the Madison, Wisconsin Capital Times looks into what else the state's Republican legislators have been up to: "Bills have been coming down the pike that would add to union woes, make it harder to vote at the polls and allow charter schools to proliferate. And Republicans haven’t even gotten to the social issues yet." Elbow provides a partial list:
Requiring voters to produce photo IDs from the state DOT at polling places "Critics say [this] will stifle tens of thousands of votes, mostly those of Democratic-leaning groups like students, the elderly and the poor."
Scaling back the state’s family and medical leave law, signed in 1998 by Republican Gov. Tommy Thompson
Preventing municipalities from adopting their own leave laws
Rescinding laws the help prevent racial profiling
Rescinding laws that mandate clean drinking water (because rich people drink Evian)
Rescinding a law that allows university faculty and academic staff to join unions
Allowing universities to assign staff to nonclassified positions so they can’t organize
Allowing the state to mandate charter schools & eliminating caps on funds the state can take from general school aid to fund charter schools. "Critics see the move as a giant step toward privatizing education in the state."
Eliminating the state’s farmland preservation program
Repealing 2009 legislation that authorized the creation of regional transit authorities (because rich people don't ride the bus)
See Elbow's article for more details.